Copyright 2010 - All rights reserved
Q. How do I log in?A. Go to the Carecamera web site hompage.
Look for the login panel in the top right hand corner of the web page.
Enter your username
Enter your given password
You will then be asked to change the password
From this point on only you know that password! Guard it well.
You will then have to log into each camera separately. You can, if using your home computer, tick the remember password. Please bear in mind your password is case sensitive.
Q. What happens if I forget my password?
A. You must call the Carecamera help desk.
We will need to verify all your details before issuing a new password that you will be required to change when you first log in.
The help desk is open from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Tel: 07947716553 or email us at
Q. I have a service problem what can I do?
A. We have below a "Help yourself action list" : Actions to take before you call Carecamera
Such as get someone reliable to check that the camera is still plugged in to the mains socket and the socket is switched on.
Is the camera in its original position?
Get someone reliable to check that the broadband router is still plugged in to the mains socket and the socket is switched on. The broad band router will be located near the telephone point. Also make sure the router and filter are plugged in.
You can print this help page to have with you when fault finding at the Carecamera location.
You can print this help page in large print if you wish. The help desk is open from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5 pm. Tel: 07947716553 or email us at
If you find the Carecamera or the broad band unplugged just plug it back in and then wait 3 minutes while the service comes back up.
*You can switch off and on the equipment by unplugging and re plugging at the power socket.
Do not press any reset buttons as there will be a chargeable cost to set up the equipment again. If you do unplug the equipment please call the Carecamera help desk so we may check your equipment remotely at no cost to you.
If Carecamera is called to a fault that is not failed equipment there will be a charge for this.